Methane Powered Concept Tractor by New Holland Agriculture

Alternative Fuels Transportation

Today, technology is growing rapidly, which allows us to envision solutions that were once deemed impossible. New Holland engineers, took an idea from the future, and have brought it to life. They have delivered a tractor that will not only be energy independent, it will be doing so using waste products. The tractor features a great advancement, as farmers can now use waste products from their land. This is made possible with the help of a closed-loop cycle, and can be put into practice with the methane powered tractor.

This concept tractor is nothing like you have ever seen or experienced before, and highlight the importance of alternative fuels. Which is why they are offering you a chance to create fuel from agriculture, and food industry waste. New Holland Agriculture has successfully tested their new technology, and produced fuels from various sources that can be combined together.

Alternative Fuel Solutions

With the addition of the Methane powered concept tractor, New Holland has taken a step towards a more reliable, viable, and proven technology. The company has a long standing history in offering alternative fuel solutions. They started from a 100% biodiesel compatible tractor to being the first company to offer a hydrogen tractor concept that leads to offering an energy independent farm. This farm was based on alternative fuels, and since then they have been actively working on offering solutions for the energy independent farm. Back in 2012, they offer a propane powered tractor that offered lower running costs, and reduced emission. Furthermore, their first Methan prototype came out in 2013, followed by two more that were tested around the world.


What is New in the Methane Powered Concept Tractor?

This New Holland tractor offers a significant advancement, and is built on similar foundations that were seen in the Methan prototypes. Moreover, the tractor houses a FPT industrial engine, which offers 180hp, and torque of 740Nm at max. In addition, the tractor includes FPT’s stoichiometries combustion technology, that was first introduced in 1995. Which in result offer low emissions, and higher rate of efficiency.

In addition, the concept tractor comes with an advanced fuel tank, that offers a 80% reduction in emissions. Additionally, the tractor offers the same torque and power offered by a standard diesel engine. This ensures equal working, with a 50% reduction in noise. The crop residue, waste products, and energy crops found on the farm will be used to produce Biomethane. Which ensures that the fuel being produced has 0% CO2, and offers great overall coverage.


What is Biomethane?

Biomethane is developed by using a system that ensures an equitable CO2 production. Keeping in mind that farmers have access to the space and the raw material to produce the gas.


Benefits of Biomethane

Production – it can be produced using waste plant, food materials, and some farm grown energy crops.

Independent – the concept tractor offers a complete autonomy system, so farmers can easily work through the day.

Versatility – the Methane powered concept tractor by New Holland Agriculture can take on the same tasks any other standard diesel tractor will be able to perform.

Futuristic – the tractor offers a complete futuristic design, and layout. Which is designed to help individuals realize the importance of alternative fuels.

These are some of the many benefits that allow the Methane powered concept tractor by New Holland Agriculture to stand apart from the others.


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