Solar Panels on the White House or Just Wind?

It’s no secret that President Obama’s new stimulus program offers major incentives for the solar and wind industries. Also included in the package are plans to conserve energy at government offices throughout the nation by adding insulation, CFL bulbs and hybrid vehicles. And, District of Columbia officials have just announced that they will be offering […]

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Solar Roadways See Daylight with Stimulus Package

About a year ago, I talked about Solar Roadways and how they were going to revolutionize not only the solar panel industry but the road construction industry as well. The idea behind having solar roadways is to replace a portion of our existing 25,000 square miles of existing pavement with tough and efficient photovoltaic panels. […]

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Energy Independence Savings Bonds for Green U. S. Growth

I received an email from a Pickens Plan supporter, Mike Kendall over the weekend, who has a novel idea for stimulating the growth of alternative energy in this country. Mike would like the U. S. government to issue “Energy Independence Savings Bonds” or “Renewable Energy Bonds” to give people a sense of ownership over green […]

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Build Your Own Wind Generator and Get a Tax Credit

With the Federal stimulus plan and economic bailout, the government is thinking of giving tax credits to those with home wind turbines. The alternative energy tax credit plan will allow homeowners a tax credit of $1,000 per kilowatt hour up to a maximum of $4,000. The tax credit for homeowners with residential wind generators will […]

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Good Jobs Green Jobs Conference in Capitol Today

The Good Jobs Green Jobs Conference is starting in Washington DC today and will run through Friday, February 6, 2009. There is definitely an interest in this particular conference now since it is sold out after reaching maximum capacity. On the speakers list are the EPA Administrator, three U. S. Senators, one U. S. Congressman […]

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Adam Fuller’s Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Is Big Idea

Adam Fuller of Racine, Wisconsin (not to be confused with Simon Fuller of American Idol) has a Big Idea. While other inventors have been dabbling in the idea of small vertical wind turbines for home use, Fuller has been developing a large utility scale vertical wind turbine with a very unique design. Upon first glance […]

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