Flexible and Transparent Ultra Thin Solar Panels

Researchers at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana are patting themselves on the back for coming up with a new printing-like process to put ultra-thin solar panels in flexible plastic or fabric. The solar panels can be printed at 1/10th the size of a human hair, yet yielding strength and flexibility. In fact, the solar […]

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Solar Panel Breakthrough Captures 96.21-Percent of Light

Let’s face it, solar panel breakthroughs are a dime a dozen. Every day or two some university or company is declaring a more efficient solar panel, usually, though by a small percentage. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute researchers have changed all that. Professor Shawn-Yu Lin and a group of fellow scientists have developed a special solar panel […]

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Solar Wineries Taking Root and Coming into Bloom

There are some industries that provide a poetic and natural pairing with solar energy. Take for instance wineries. The sun shines down on the vineyard encouraging the grapes to grow into what one day will become fine consumer merlots and cabernets. And, since the price of photovoltaic has dropped recently wineries have taken notice. Take […]

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SkyShades Solar Umbrellas and Coverings Heat and Cool Market

If you’ve ever been looking for a shady parking spot only to come up empty or shady outdoor seating at a restaurant you may appreciate the SkyShades company that builds such devices to keep us cool. But, what you really may like is that SkyShades has teamed up with photovoltaic company Konarka to put thin, […]

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Solar-Powered Information Access Point Hits Portland

A couple of weeks back I talked about how Portland, Oregon was developing a system of plug-in hybrid vehicle recharging stations. Well, now, I’ve learned that Portland is once again the site of a new kind of alternative energy technology, this time solar. Solar-powered Information Access Points (IAP) are being developed by Vibrant City Technology. […]

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Odd Solar-Powered Devices You May Not Know

So, as I’m cruising around the Internet researching alternative energy news stories today, I stumbled across one odd solar-powered device in the headlines after another. Some of these photovoltaic devices are rough prototypes delivered by school kids while others are odd solar powered devices that may be used in developing nations. Summer camp kids at […]

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Solar Windows Breakthrough from MIT Looms Large

Two days ago I talked about residential solar panels being installed standard in a master-planned community in Colorado. While most homeowners see solar panels as optional equipment for the home, in this 100-percent sustainable community they are part of the standard green lifestyle. Now the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has developed more breakthrough solar […]

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