More Off Shore Wind Than We Need Government Says

According to the U. S. Department of the Interior, we have more offshore wind than we need to power 20-percent of homes and businesses in the coastal regions. According to the executive summary by the Interior Department from 3 miles offshore to 200 miles offshore, particularly in the Atlantic Ocean, there is enough wind power […]

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Build Your Own Wind Generator and Get a Tax Credit

With the Federal stimulus plan and economic bailout, the government is thinking of giving tax credits to those with home wind turbines. The alternative energy tax credit plan will allow homeowners a tax credit of $1,000 per kilowatt hour up to a maximum of $4,000. The tax credit for homeowners with residential wind generators will […]

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Adam Fuller’s Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Is Big Idea

Adam Fuller of Racine, Wisconsin (not to be confused with Simon Fuller of American Idol) has a Big Idea. While other inventors have been dabbling in the idea of small vertical wind turbines for home use, Fuller has been developing a large utility scale vertical wind turbine with a very unique design. Upon first glance […]

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Home Wind Turbines Offer Alternatives at the Grassroots Level

T. Boone and his Pickens Plan call for massive wind farms to go up all over the Midwest to supplement grid energy. But, what about those who prefer residential wind turbines so they can start weaning themselves from the Big Utility companies? Home wind turbines have become increasingly popular in many locations around the U. […]

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