MiniPak from Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies Means Power

Some people have theorized that the Hydrogen Economy would start in the small electronics marketplace and Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies has now done its part to make sure this dream is coming true. The Horizon MiniPak is a portable, reusable electronics charger that is based upon hydrogen technology. One simply inserts a HydroStik cartridge into […]

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Bluenergy SolarWind Helical Hybrid Turbine Uses Dual Technology

I’ve talked about helical wind turbines before such as the Helix. I’ve also many times talked about the merits of solar energy. But, what if you could combine these two types of renewable energy systems into one device? A company called Bluenergy has done just that. The Bluenergy SolarWind turbine is a helical wind generator […]

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Panasonic Lithium Ion Battery for Home Power Storage

People living off the grid have done this for years. The will use wind or solar power and then store the extra electricity as either hydrogen or inside lead acid batteries for later use. Now, Panasonic has developed a home lithium ion battery that will rival all others for massive storage of home electricity. Panasonic […]

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Geothermal energy is gaining ground in Australia and the UK

Our English-speaking friends in Australia and the United Kingdom are getting in on the geothermal energy craze. Let’s start with Australia first. In Victoria Australia the first geothermal energy plant will go live in around three years. The new geothermal plant will provide enough energy to power 120,000 homes. Before the geothermal plant is built […]

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