Renewable Energy Could Create Methane as Storage But Should It

Reuters is reporting that methane could be the solutions for storage of extra electricity produce by wind and solar power. Scientists have discovered a microbe, Methanobacterium palustre, that can convert electricity directly into methane as long as you add a little hydrogen to the mix. The problem is that methane is also a greenhouse gas […]

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Yahoo! It’s Low-Cost Hydropower in Western New York

The New York Power Authority has reversed an earlier decision regarding a potential Yahoo data center considered for the western part of the state. One of the points of contention has been Yahoo’s desire to acquire low cost hydropower from Niagara Falls for its new facility. The new Yahoo data center could start building as […]

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Chlorophyll and Chlorosomes in Bacteria Yield Solar Breakthrough

According to Dutch researchers chlorosomes filled with chlorophyll in green bacteria may hold the secrets to more efficient solar technology. In plants, small antenna can hold up to 250,000 chlorophyll molecules that absorb sunlight. The sunlight is then converted into chemical energy. The Dutch scientists are using concentric nanotubes to replicate the structure of plants […]

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