Former Detroit Auto Workers to Build Wind Turbines

With the Big 3 automakers in Detroit running on fumes and an over abundance of former auto workers eager to get busy again, wind turbines are a growth industry for manufacturing jobs. In fact, Global Wind Systems Inc. is going to add 250 wind turbine manufacturing jobs this year with 90-percent coming from the automotive […]

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MIT and Cambridge Students Develop Solar Cars

Students at MIT and Cambridge University have developed solar cars that will both compete in the 2009 World Solar Challenge in Australia in September. The World Solar Challenge features solar cars streaking across 2,000 miles of the rough Australian Outback. The MIT students have created the Elanor solar car, ironically named after the gas guzzling […]

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More Off Shore Wind Than We Need Government Says

According to the U. S. Department of the Interior, we have more offshore wind than we need to power 20-percent of homes and businesses in the coastal regions. According to the executive summary by the Interior Department from 3 miles offshore to 200 miles offshore, particularly in the Atlantic Ocean, there is enough wind power […]

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Dihydrogen Monoxide a Serious Threat to Public Safety

According to the Federal Water Control Board, dihydrogen monoxide is a serious public safety threat that concerns environmentalists from coast to coast and beyond. According to scientific research at NOAH too little dihydrogen monoxide can lead to famine and draughts and too much can mean flooding of proportions not seen for thousands of years. But, […]

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Solar Etching Technology Is More Efficient and Self-Cleaning

New solar etching technology being developed by researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology is both more efficient in absorbing light rays and self-cleaning. Chemical etching of solar panel surfaces at the micron and nanoscale helps to trap light in 3-dimensional structures. The efficiency of the solar cells is increased by as much as two […]

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Obama in Pomona, CA Talks Plug-In Electric Car Ownership

Obama, Pomona, girl I wanna own ya. Okay, so I was thinking about an old Beach Boys song. In case you missed the news yesterday, President Obama was in Pomona, California at the Southern California Edison electric car plant. Southern California Edison is the local electric company that is heavily invested into solar energy and […]

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