Solar Wineries Taking Root and Coming into Bloom

There are some industries that provide a poetic and natural pairing with solar energy. Take for instance wineries. The sun shines down on the vineyard encouraging the grapes to grow into what one day will become fine consumer merlots and cabernets. And, since the price of photovoltaic has dropped recently wineries have taken notice. Take […]

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Triton Underwater Wave Farm Being Developed in Bermuda

Triton Renewable Energy Limited has teamed up with Renewable Energy Holdings to develop an underwater wave farm off the shores of the island of Bermuda. Now, I’ve talked about wave power many times and I’ve even mentioned offshore wind farms as well. One of the largest objections by environmentalists to wave farms has been the […]

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Home Helical Wind Turbine Unveiled in Poughkeepsie, NY

A home helical wind turbine built by local contractor Lawrence Scardaci has been unveiled in Poughkeepsie, New York. I’ve talked about helical shaped home wind turbines before especially rooftop wind generators and those like the Helix that can be used either on the rooftop or mounted high up in the yard. Scardaci has designed a […]

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