SkyShades Solar Umbrellas and Coverings Heat and Cool Market

If you’ve ever been looking for a shady parking spot only to come up empty or shady outdoor seating at a restaurant you may appreciate the SkyShades company that builds such devices to keep us cool. But, what you really may like is that SkyShades has teamed up with photovoltaic company Konarka to put thin, […]

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Ford Bobcat Plus Ecoboost Direct Ethanol Injection

Over the past few months, I’ve been talking about run your car on water supplementary systems as a method to boost performance, gas savings and emissions reductions in gasoline-powered engines. Now, it seems that Ford has gone a different route in boosting their gasoline engine with ethanol. That’s correct, the Ford Bobcat is a direct […]

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Rooftop Wind Generator Takes Europe by Storm

A company called Quiet Revolution has come out with a better mousetrap in regard to residential wind turbines. What makes the Quiet Revolution wind turbines unique is the vertical axis that the blades rotate upon. A horizontal axis is more efficient when it is pelted with consistent winds. A vertical axis, however, is efficient in […]

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HEVT Plug-In Plans to Pull in Automotive X-Prize

Hybrid Electric Vehicle Technologies (HEVT) out of Chicago, Illinois is one of 120 current contenders for the Progressive Automotive X-Prize. The Automotive X-Prize is giving away a $10 million award to the company that creates a 100 miles per gallon equivalent (MPGe) vehicle that is production ready and that people will want to buy. The […]

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Hydrogen Car Burns Up and Gasoline Car Blows Out

One would expect an electric vehicle website to show the worst case scenario regarding hydrogen cars and the best case showing everything else. After all electric cars and hydrogen cars are natural enemies, right? Well, if you buy into the “Who Killed the Electric Car?” movie you may buy into the idea that hydrogen cars […]

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Propane Conversion Kits for Domestic Cars, Trucks and Vehicles

Propane conversion kits have gotten a lot of attention lately as gasoline prices still hover in the $4 per gallon range. With propane selling between $2 and $2.70 per gallon, depending upon the part of the country you’re in, many motorists have taken to converting their cars to this relatively inexpensive fuel. But, more so […]

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