How Geothermal Energy Might Be the Answer to Energy Eating Heatwaves

Everyone looks forward to summer after a long winter and an incredibly wet and cool spring. Yet, all too often, extended heatwaves can ruin the joy of being outside on a hot summer afternoon while you choose to stay indoors where your air conditioner keeps your space cool and comfortable, 68F. But some experts claim […]

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SIMEC Atlantis Energy Installs Another MeyGen Tidal Energy Turbine

In the final stages of completion and now fully operational, the MeyGen project in the Pentland Firth is a game changer for tidal energy. Sitting between the islands of Great Britain and Mainland, this small stretch of water has an incredible amount of potential to become home to one of the world’s biggest tidal energy […]

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9 Emerging Solar Technologies That May Be Game Changers

‍Solar energy is widely considered to be the future of renewable energy. Solar panels are now cheaper and more efficient than ever before, and solar energy could feasibly meet a majority of the world’s energy needs by 2050. But solar power has its limitations. Solar panels can only generate electricity during daylight hours, which means […]

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How to Create a Sustainability Policy for Your Company

Sustainability is important for businesses of all sizes. Not only is it the right thing to do for the planet, but it can also save your company money and improve your reputation with customers and investors. A sustainability policy is a document that outlines your company’s commitment to sustainable practices. It should include a description […]

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5 Green Technologies Small Businesses Are Using Increasingly More

Green technology – tech that has a minimal, if any, impact on the environment – has become increasingly commonplace. That hasn’t solely been seen with cars and in the home, but it’s become quite popular in the business world, with there being multiple green technologies small businesses can use. These offer a range of benefits […]

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