Government Stops Stalling as Solar Freeze is Lifted

In a move to delay and stall the proliferation of solar energy, the Federal government including the Bush administration and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) have decided to stop the moratorium madness. Last month, the BLM (or BM as some have called it) decided to put a freeze on solar applications for building photovoltaic […]

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Run Your Car on Water Critics and Scammers Both Wrong

There are three groups of run your car on water people: critics, scammers and early adopters. The critics say that run your car on water devices (HHO generators) cannot work because of the first law of thermodynamics. Critics will also state the non-existence of a perpetual motion machine. What the critics fail to understand time […]

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Ammonia Fuel as an Alternative for Vehicles

Hydrogen, ethanol, electric and air cars, the media has covered many alternative fuel vehicles in recent months due to rising oil and gas prices. But, one alternative fuel that hasn’t gotten much attention is the use of liquid anhydrous ammonia (NH3). Liquid ammonia burns inside internal combustion engines without any CO2 emissions. Ammonia is one […]

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Blue H Floating Deepwater Wind Farm Heads to USA and Scotland

Back in March, Dutch company Blue H Technologies announced that they intend to install the first U. S. floating deep water wind farm off of Martha’s Vineyard. The 420 MW wind farm will be constructed mostly on land and then floated out into position for the final work. This method of construction lessens the ecological […]

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