Global Climate Change Supercomputers Get Energy Savings Breakthrough

It’s been no secret for a very long time that supercomputers suck down a great deal of energy when doing their lighting fast computations. In fact, one of the most energy-consuming types of computations are those programs used to calculate and model global climate change. But a recent breakthrough in energy-saving supercomputer technology will mean […]

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A123Systems Hymotion Plug-In Conversion for Toyota Prius

If you just can’t wait for 2010 for Toyota and GM to rollout their official plug-in hybrids, and want to start saving gasoline now, then the A123Systems Hymotion may just be the plug-in device you need. Right now the A123Systems Hymotion Plug-In Conversion Module (PCM) is available only for the Toyota Prius. A123Systems has gotten […]

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Hydro Green Power Gets Boost for River Energy

Hydro Green Power has received a $2.6 million investment by Quercus Trust develop its river and tidal renewable energy generators. This funding will help Hydro Green Power deploy its hydrokinetic technology to states such as Minnesota on the Mississippi River, where testing will begin as early as August. Hydro Green Power currently has four methods […]

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