MIT Students Use Pedal Power to Run Computers

MIT student cyclists are using pedal power to run computers and burn calories. Back in November of this year, MIT students were given an assignment as part of a course in civil and environmental engineering to build a device that “converts mechanical power into electrical power.” So, the students came up with an ingenious idea […]

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Phoenix Motorcars Titillating Lithium Titinate Batteries

Phoenix Motorcars may just be the Next Big Thing in electric vehicles. And, these next big things will likely be produced in Mexico according to the latest reports. Last week, I talked about the promise for lithium iron phosphate batteries (LiFePO4) taking over the electric vehicle market. But, there is a different kind of lithium […]

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Lithium Iron Phophate (LiFePO4) Batteries for Electric Vehicles

Lithium Iron Phophate (LiFePO4) batteries may soon take over the market for electric cars and plug-in electric vehicles. Based upon lithium ion technology, LiFePO4 batteries offer greater safety plus higher output than lithium cobalt dioxide (LiCoO2) batteries that are used commonly in laptops, mp3 players and cell phones. Developed by Dr. John Goodenough (as opposed […]

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