With oil reserves becoming depleted and concerns over emissions from fossil fuels, car manufacturers are exploring the various available options. One of the most apparent solutions appears to be in the form of electric vehicles (EVs). EVs produce no toxic emissions when in operation and many of these types of vehicle offer performance levels comparable […]

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Advanced Circular Recycling Technology Launches

For years, the process of recycling has become more and more important. Many used to see recycling as excessive: today, we understand its critical importance to building a safer world. However, recycling is, for many people, a confusing process. New technology is always being formed, though, to make recycling an easier process. That development looks […]

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Artificial Leaves Becoming Reality

In case you haven`t heard until now, researchers tried to develop the so-called artificial leaves, a research project that might soon become reality, but which for some time now had trouble with actually placing it in a natural environment. Artificial leaves imitate photosynthesis, a natural process in which plants transform water and carbon dioxide from […]

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Turbine-Free Electric Aircraft Takes Flight

For years, the dream of being able to create turbine-free aircraft has been slowly but surely moving towards fruition. The benefits of such a development are obvious: the likelihood of breakdowns and crashes would be reduced for one, as would development costs and times, plus and added boost for the environment. However, a giant step […]

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